Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Always Learning

Example is often the most powerful teacher. I just witnessed an example of a man who hasn't stopped learning. Let me share it:

This man is quite accomplished. He is very talented and has experience in many fields. I believe he was a professor for many years, he serves faithfully in his church responsibilities, and has traveled the world over. As I sat in the lobby of a building on BYU campus, he came strolling through. My first thought was that he must have just finished teaching a class. He informed me, however, that he'd just completed a midterm exam. Wait, what? I went on to ask him what class he was taking and learned that he's taking an ancient Hebrew class that requires 4 hrs a day of time in class and probably more outside of it. This isn't required for any kind of degree that he's working toward or anything. In fact, he's not even enrolled! He's auditing the class! He simply wants to learn and is loving learning the language of the ancient scriptures. What an incredible example of one who never ceases to learn.

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