Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Behold, your sins are forgiven you..."

"Behold, your sins are forgiven you..." -D&C 110:5

There are a number of times in the scriptures when a phrase such as this can be found. This particular one is found in the midst of a great vision had by the prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland temple in April of 1836. Many others in scriptural history, however, have also received such promises. Enos is a second example of being told he has been forgiven of all his sins.

For whatever reason, I'm always amazed when I read such a saying. To think that an individual is forgiven of all their sins?! That's incredible!

This morning as I read this, however, I had a simple but powerful realization. I have the same opportunity to be forgiven in this way each week when I prepare for and partake of the sacrament. The power of the Atonement can have the same effect in our lives as it does in the lives of those in the scriptures if we will but partake of the sacrament having done all we can to repent. What a tremendous promise to us! What more motivation do we need to attend Church each week??

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